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Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 im. Stanisława Konarskiego w Tarnowie

SP2 z drona

film o dwojce

* ideal timetable (only one shift)

* high educational standards of teaching (modern teaching methods, school trips, visiting museums, theatres, art galleries, etc.)

* development of pupils’ talents and interests (after lessons clubs, such as Art, Art therapy, music and singing, dancing, journalistic club, ICT, maths, foreign languages, sports)

* safety, good care, medical care (nurse and dentist), financial help, educationalist, and common room classes

* comfortable learning conditions

* integration with local community, cooperation with cultural institutions and parishes

Our motto
“Preserving one – hundred year tradition, we learn for the future”

Copyright © 2025 Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 im. S. Konarskiego w Tarnowie Rights Reserved.